Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Pu Tial Khal Biography

  Pu Tial Khal son of Pu(Mr.)Vanhnuailing and Pi(Mrs.)Bualpumi was born on April 12, 1930 at Falam Dist.Bualzawl village. After his completion of primary education at Tlauhmun Falam Dist. in 1942, he was unable to continue his studies as the Japanese war disturb the Chin Hills region. In 1950, he completed his police training in Mandalay and was serving the country as a police man in Chin Special Division.           

His plan to contest in 1958 election under U Nu's government was unsucessful due to the refusal of his request for resignation from police service. Nonetheless, his involvement in politics, especially in chin politics had begun when Gen. Ne Win snatch government power from U Nu's parliamentary government and rule the country illegitimately with his own political system of Burma Socialist Program Party. 

Hence, CHIN NATIONAL DEFENCE emerged in April 1964 with its president Pu Dam Khaw Hau and its financier Pu Tial Khal. CHIN NATIONAL DEFENCE (CND) was founded to protect chinland and its people from the abusive government of Gen. Newin. As the founder and members of CND, Pu Tial Khal and others were unfortunate to be arrested by the police on their way to Churachanpur on April 12,1964 and were sent to Monywa jail. 

After their release from the jail, the Chin Hills Operation was conducted along with Mizo National Front in June, 1968. The operation was successful in taking over Lungler, Rihkhawdar, Falam and Teddim areas overnight. But due to lack of enough preparation from the two sides, they were able to held the areas only for a short time. 

In the following year in January, 1969 the CND moved its base at the boundary village, Sunsawng in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) by where they contact and build relationship with the Arakans rebel. The two sides agree to support each other and the Arakans rebel were offered Rocket launcher, two Rifles and other ammunition in exchange for allowing the CND and MNF to use some areas of their terrritory.

 When Political circumstances changed in East Pakistan, Pu Tial Khal and his men headed toward India again. This time in hope for support, they contacted the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) under the name Chin Liberation Organization. In 1988, Chin National Front emerged when the CLO and the chin students who fleed Burma decided to stand on the same ground to fight for Chinland. 

Initially, Pu Tial Khal was the president of Chin National Front but there was misunderstanding between No Than Kap and Pu Tial khal on leadership and No Than Kap became the new president of CNF. Despite the internal problem the CNF had in the later years, it still stand as the only armed group for chin people under new leadership.

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